Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thank goodness for power tools!

I got an itch to do some furniture refurbishing. When this happens I head to the local DI. Also known as thrift shop. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! This table did not always look so good. In fact it was hideous but it had great bones.
The table was silver, navy blue and green with the top being sprayed with the faux rock texture--LOVELY! I get some strange looks when I choose to buy some of the items that I buy. I get even funnier looks from my family and friends who just cannot see the beauty from within!

First things first. Remove all of the hardware and set it aside. Time to break out the power tools. I love power tools! They make me feel so strong and in control! I have burned out my share of power tools--sanders, drills, etc!

Next, I spray painted the whole thing off white. I went through six cans to get the previous colors covered completely. I then sanded once again in areas that would normally get worn-corners, high areas, edges, etc. I sprayed the harware a brushed bronze, let them dry and replaced them. Then I put the finished piece into place. I think it turned out beautiful. I am so proud!

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