
Friday, February 18, 2011

CuTeSt PiN CuShiOn EvEr {tutorial)!

This is such a cute pin cushion. I think I am going to make several of these and put them away for when I might need a go to present. I think any crafty girl would love one of these pin cushions.

Pin Cushion Supplies:
6 different wool scraps
*2 - 7 1/2 inch circles (top and bottom)
*3 - 1 x 8 1/4 inch strips (sides)
*3 - 3 inch circles (flowers)
*3 - 1 inch circles (flower centers)
Crushed walnut shell (you can find this at a pet store for the bottom of cages)
ric rac scraps
sewing machine

To get started cut out all of you pieces. **I am writing the tutorial to make the flowers but you can do all kind of things on top.**
Pin the flower center circle onto the flower circle. Stitch a blanket stitch around the smaller circles edge. Do this to all three flowers. Pin the flowers onto the top wool piece. Blanket stitch around the flower. Sew on the ric rac for the stem.
Leaving a 1/4 hangover start sewing along the edge. (What I mean be hangover is leave a 1/4 inch piece of the piece side before you start stitching). Stitch all the way around leaving a 1/4 inch at the end. (This is where you will fill it).
Start at the same start point except for now you are sewing on the bottom piece. Sew all the way around.
Now turn the cushion inside out. Fill with the crushed walnut shell (using crushed walnut will keep your pins sharp). Tuck the 1/4 inch hangovers into the opening.
Top stitch the opening. You are done. Oh so cute! Doesn't that make you want to start sewing something!

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